Sunday, July 8, 2012

It's Just a Pinterest Kind of Day...

It all started with a trip to Trader Joes.

I have never been to Trader Joes & left without feeling good about my purchase - and even myself.  It's just a feel-good kind of place.

(Mental note: shop there more often)

As I was walking amongst the produce, I made the decision to no longer limit my vegetable choices due to their carbs. Some may call this 'Phase 2' of the Atkins Diet; however, since I am not technically DOING the Atkins Diet (I've been incorporating vegetables all along), I will just consider it the turning of a new leaf.

Since it happens to be the middle of summer, I'll be indulging in a fruit every now and then too, but fruits can be tricky.  Banana's have an incredible amount of sugar in them, and other than their potassium, I'm not sure what other nutritional value they provide...  For the time being, I will be avoiding fruits such as this, but on the whole, fruits are no longer out of the question either!

What a great day today is!

To celebrate, I have been slaving away in the kitchen:
And for dinner, I will be attempting:
  • Roasted brussel sprouts with a garlic aioli  *Pinterest*
  • Grilled chicken breast on a bed of spinach
And to top it all off, with my left over lemon and lime (used in other recipes throughout the day), I have created refreshingly crisp ice cubes, yet another *Pinterest* idea:

*I squeezed a little of the juice from the 'ends' of the lemons & limes into each cup to ensure that the flavor was incorporated in ALL of the ice cube, not just the fruit.

Here's to a productive Sunday in the kitchen:


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