Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cheesy Stuffed Zucchini Boats - 10g

I'm reading the book "Wheat Belly". The more I tell people about it, the more I see this terrified look on their faces when I tell them that the author proposes we cut all wheat from our diets.

"What will you eat, then?"
"Won't that get boring?"

along with a whole host of others, are very common phrases I hear.

So I set out tonight to make something FULL of flavor, without any wheat, and still restricting my carbs.

The good news is the only carbs in this meal come from the vegetables themselves (alright, and 2 or 3 from the ricotta & sherry), so this is one meal you can feel great about consuming.

1 very large zucchini (mine weighed in at 400g after I cut the stem off) - about 8 in long
1/4 C red onion (or onion of your choice - shallots would be great in this recipe!)
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
80 g cremini (or baby bella) mushrooms - which worked out to be about 5
2 tsp crushed garlic
2 C fresh spinach
1/4 C ricotta cheese
1/3 C parmesan cheese
2 tbsp sherry wine (or a white wine will sub - you'll just lack that slightly nutty flavor)
1 tbsp fresh chopped basil

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Cut the zucchini in half, length wise, and use a spoon to scoop out the middle. Set the zucchini skins to the side.

Finely chop the red onion, flesh of the zucchini, and mushrooms.

Add the onion & olive oil to a pan and heat on medium heat for a minute or two. Next, add the mushrooms, squash and garlic. Cook for another 2 minutes, lowering the heat just a little.

Incorporate the spinach, cheeses, sherry and basil, and continue to cook for another 2-3 minutes.

Place the 2 hollowed out zucchini halves on a baking pan, and spoon in the mixture. Each of my zucchinis held about 1/2 C of the mixture, leaving me an extra 1/2 C at the end (so I stuffed the mushrooms I had left over!).

Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes (mushrooms, not so long).  Makes 2 servings.

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